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@vtj / ui / XActionBar

Variable: XActionBar

const XActionBar: DefineComponent<ExtractPropTypes<{ background: { default: string; type: PropType<"always" | "hover" | "none">; }; badge: { type: PropType<Partial<BadgeProps>>; }; button: { type: PropType<Partial<ButtonProps>>; }; circle: { type: BooleanConstructor; }; disabled: { type: PropType<boolean | (item) => boolean>; }; dropdown: { type: PropType<ActionDropdown>; }; items: { type: PropType<ActionBarItems>; }; mode: { default: string; type: PropType<ActionMode>; }; size: { default: string; type: PropType<BaseSize>; }; tooltip: { type: PropType<Partial<ElTooltipProps>>; }; type: { type: PropType<BaseType>; }; }>, {}, {}, {}, {}, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, { click: (action) => any; command: (action, menu) => any; }, string, PublicProps, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{ background: { default: string; type: PropType<"always" | "hover" | "none">; }; badge: { type: PropType<Partial<BadgeProps>>; }; button: { type: PropType<Partial<ButtonProps>>; }; circle: { type: BooleanConstructor; }; disabled: { type: PropType<boolean | (item) => boolean>; }; dropdown: { type: PropType<ActionDropdown>; }; items: { type: PropType<ActionBarItems>; }; mode: { default: string; type: PropType<ActionMode>; }; size: { default: string; type: PropType<BaseSize>; }; tooltip: { type: PropType<Partial<ElTooltipProps>>; }; type: { type: PropType<BaseType>; }; }>> & Readonly<{ onClick: (action) => any; onCommand: (action, menu) => any; }>, { background: "none" | "hover" | "always"; circle: boolean; mode: ActionMode; size: BaseSize; }, {}, {}, {}, string, ComponentProvideOptions, true, {}, any>

Defined in


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